A Life Changing Decision
When an international student-athlete decides to play high school or college sports in a foreign country, it is a major decision. Every student-athlete faces a variety of challenges during his or her search for the best possible offers from High Schools, Prep Academies or Colleges.
Athlete+ program provides athletes and their families with Expert Advisor who will evaluate the situation, provide guidance, promote athletes to the coaches and negotiate for the best possible scholarship offers.
Athlete+ Team utilizes our network of coaches and scouts to connect athletes to schools and academies that are the best match for their needs and qualifications.
Reach Your Goal
in 10 Steps
Competing at Different Levels

In North America, most High Schools include grades 9th through 12th. Different levels are designated in 4-year schools, in ascending order: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior. Most American High Schools are public—i.e., tuition-free, supported by the state funds. As a consulting group, we only recommend private schools with boarding capabilities or host-family arraignments. Majority of these institutions emphasize seasonal athletic programs (3-5 months) within an academic year.
High School

Preparatory Academies (usually shortened to prep schools) are private organizations offering full-time athletic programs combined with academic (High School, 9th – 12th Grades) or (Post Grad, 13th Grade) curriculum. Post Grad (13th Grade) year offers an opportunity to each student-athlete to further develop his/her academic, mental, physical and game skills. Post grad teams travel intensively and play against teams from other states and conferences which increases the college recruiting exposure.
Prep Academies

A college may offer undergraduate programs which can be a University Residential College (4-Year Bachelor Degrees) or a Community Residential College (2-Year Associate Degree). Quality education, a unique curriculum, and abundant opportunities are just some of the reasons why many international students want to study in the US. College Sports offer student-athletes scholarships, bring a unique aspect to student life on campus, and it’s one of the greatest experiences that student-athletes can get.